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  It’s time to meet my new team!! I thought it would be more fun to introduce you to them all at once, so buckle up and please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times!



Quince is a fun-loving, soak-up-the-sun, joyful kind of gal. She has grown so much in her faith and freedom in Christ in the last few months, and I seriously love that woman’s laugh. Her favorite color is light blue and, at the moment, her favorite song is “The Place Where I Belong” by Wilder. 



Abby (or Abbs, or Bee) is the sweetest, kindest woman I’ve ever met. Our fearless Team Leader is also a true friend, there through thick and thin, and a generous soul who’d do anything possible to help the people around her. The exercise queen can be seen running around the base and working out at least once a day and still looks fantastic, no matter how sweaty she is. 



Marissa is the shawty of all shawtys, with the best sense of humor and the kindest heart. She is equally up to joking around, talking about the deep stuff, and everything in between. She is a woman who honors everyone around her, no matter who they are. 



Erika (or Rikky or Muffin) is the most wonderful 19 yo grandma I’ve ever met, a gardener of souls and a cultivator of love and peace to everyone she knows. She has the sweetest laugh and the rosiest cheeks and the tenderest spirit, with a side of mischievous that does not disappoint. 



Kayla loves the loud, wild side of life, while equally valuing the deep, hard, emotional parts that other people tend to overlook. She will sit with you in your weeping and invite you to dance in your rejoicing. It’s been honor to see and learn about all the growth and healing she’s gone through since September. Also, her favorite color is hot pink and I love that she never hides that fact. 



You may have heard of her before, but this woman is worth mentioning twice. Emily is so stankin smart and also unintentionally hilarious and also so wise for her years. She has a peaceful spirit that’s evident just from being in the same room as her. It’s also really lovely to have someone so practically-minded on the team (thanks for the sunscreen reminder 🙂


  I think that’s everyone! Thank you so much for reading, and I seriously hope you get to meet these wonderful women one day, they’re worth it. 


Love y’all bunches,



6 responses to “Introducing Jubilee!”

  1. I wanted to upload photos of everyone, but my phone won’t let me right now, so maybe I’ll do a photo blog later

  2. & claire is a great great friend who is an observer and notices the simplest but most important things in the room. She loves fearlessly and openly, shes not afraid to call things out when needed or talk about how much better the older version of little women is 😉 i love this gal & watching her run to the Father has been nothing short of a gift.

  3. What a beautiful bouquet!
    What fragrance of Christ!
    What stormers of the gates of hell, by His grace and for His glory!