
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  We are here!! We made it to Guatemala on Thursday, every single last one of us, after yet another miracle only God could do. Already we have been learning so much, from the staff here at the AIM Guatemala Base and from each other. It has been so wonderful to step back into sweet intimacy and community with the Lord and my squad, both back in Georgia and here in Guat. 


  There’s so much I could talk about, the beauty and unity God has brought to Jubilee after only being a thing for a couple weeks, how wonderful it is to go from winter to spring, 70 degrees, and breezes, or the new ways God has wrecked me. Mostly I am filled with sweet expectation for this new season of mission and excitement for the new ways I get to experience the Father’s rest as I do the work He has set for me. I don’t really have a particular point to this blog, I just love everything I’ve seen so far, the colorful houses, the mountains, the coffee, the colors you see in everything, my people that I know and the ones I have yet to meet, the wonderful food prepared for us by the fantastic cooks at the Base, even the tears I’ve cried more than once. 


  I can’t wait to tell you all the things!! Love you bunches,



4 responses to “¡Estamos Aquí!”

  1. Loved your comment on the ways God has wreaked you! He does that in the best ways, doesn’t He? Often painful but worth it. Sometimes so oozing with affection and so personal, leaving me in awe that He really “gets” me. Would like to know your details.

  2. Excited to know the team is finally in Guatemala! We continue to pray for unity and a strong bond in the Lord for the teams and the squad. You all have been patiently waiting for God to open this door of ministry. Claire, we are so glad your a part of this team and God is and will continue to use you as you open yourself to Him. Can’t wait to hear the stories! Continue to allow God to mold you in the likeness of His Son, Jesus! Proud of you!

  3. Praying for your time there and deeply rooted life long growth and commitment to Kingdom living. The race is a time off immense growth, intense refinement by Jesus, and some awesome mountain top experiences. Savour them all and ground yourself well for the next 50 or 60 years of living.