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  Something my squad likes to do a lot is handstands. I think maybe it started because our squad mentor Kate was a level 10 gymnast and a couple of us just happened to like them; before you know it, the handstand club (and many, many competitions) had been born. 

  I like to think that it’s indicative of our heart for the Kingdom of Heaven. A lot of the time growing up I heard about the upside-down Kingdom, but I never really understood it; I knew about it intellectually, but I didn’t know it, not in my heart. Since being on C Squad, I’ve come to understand it in a new way, mostly through our love for each other and our desire to serve one another. 


  The Kingdom isn’t based on one person being above everyone else; rather, it’s a Kingdom of servants, everyone serving everyone else out of a heart of love and vulnerability. It isn’t a place of waiting around for someone to do something for you, checking your watch because according to your schedule they’re late; it’s a Kingdom of jumping up to wash the feet of whoever’s in front of you because Jesus loves them and because you serve Him, you do, too.  


  Thanks for reading this quick spiel! Love you bunches,



4 responses to “Handstands and Washing Feet: the Upside-Down Kingdom”

  1. I love that revelations like this can come from small ordinary things!! Great little spiel!

  2. I’ve never heard of the term upside down kingdom. Yet after I read your blog and have spent some time pondering God‘s ways, it makes a ton of sense. I so appreciate your perspective and your devotion to putting it in writing. You are a gem Claire and it’s awesome to know you.
    Shaun and I love you very much and pray for many upside down moments in the coming days.