
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  I want to share with y’all some of what we do for ministry! My team is doing a lot pioneering work, going to towns and villages that Adventures in Missions has had little to no contact with before; this isn’t to say God isn’t been in these places or hasn’t been working in them for years, but we get to go where not a lot of work has been done and plant a lot of seeds. 


  Mondays and Fridays we work in Itzapa, teaching English and doing house visits and praying for the people; Tuesdays we work with Worship Room in San Antonio, helping them teach Bible classes to the kids; Wednesdays we’re in Los Aposentos, teaching English and Bible classes. Thursdays the whole squad does activation, which consists of a teaching about something crucial to relationship with God and then going out to Parramos (the nearest town to the Base) and the surrounding area doing ATL (ask the Lord), seeing what He has for us for the day. 


  Pioneering can be a little hard at times, as fruit can be few and far between; but when we do see it, it makes it all the sweeter and I get excited for how God will water and cultivate all the seeds He’s given us to plant. 


  Thanks for reading this quick update! I’m hopefully planning on a photo blog this weekend, with pictures of the Base, my team, some from ministry, and a few other fun ones, see keep an eye out for that and pray my phone let’s me upload the photos!


  Love you bunches,



One response to “A Quick Ministry Update!”

  1. Thanks for the update. Enjoy where God has you in this season. You are in our prayers.