
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  if asked, i would 100% say that the Race changed my life; but why? what about being away from home for 9 months changed my life? i could have got that from going to college; was it being outside of the U.S.? they do say that travel broadens the mind. but i’ve left the country before and it’s never impacted me this much, so what is it that’s left me different forever?


  starting in Guatemala, my saving grace, the promise i held onto for dear life, was that you can’t leave the presence of God unchanged; He’s too good, too holy to let you leave His throne room the same way you entered. His light reaches and changes everything; when you fully open yourself to relationship with Him, He’s going to change you, reshape you to look like His Son, even when you have no idea what He’s doing in you. so even when i knew that change needed to happen, that something needed to be different, but i was helpless or powerless to accomplish it on my own, i knew that entering the throne room of grace and seeking the Father’s face would leave me different. and it did. i can tell the difference between the claire that first got to Guat and the claire that’s about to leave Costa. 


  so what does this have to do with the Race? couldn’t i have just been with the Father like that anywhere in the world? well, yes, i definitely could have and will do so, but the Race and what Adventures in Missions teaches and guides in provides a space to seek and know the Father like no other organization i’ve been with (not that i’ve been with many, but you get the point). i was not only taught about relationship with God, but i was given tools to use and was discipled to walk deeper with God. 


  so yes, the Race changed my life, but not because of the Race; my life is forever changed because my goal is now to continually seek and behold the face of God. it’s been the one constant in the last five months and it will be the only constant in the years left of my life. 


  have you sought the Father? have you just been with Him and trusted that He’s moving in your heart even when it didn’t feel like it? what’s stopping you?

6 responses to “why did the world race change my life?”

  1. I’m in tears reading this – I loved your line “You can’t leave the presence of God unchanged”. Your whole journey has been a faith builder for me as I have watched you grow. I remember the day we’ll that God prompted me to encourage you to sign up for the race….even though I had so many doubts swirling around my brain about HOW it could happen -time was running out, lots of money to raise, would you be going for the right reasons, were you ready etc. But every single step you took God met you, even at the last minute when it seemed you wouldn’t get to go this season. I’m so proud of you for persevering and trusting. Can’t wait to see you and hear ALL the stories. Love you!

  2. I (we) are very much looking forward to spending some time with you around the island. K knowing the impact the things taught in the race can have on a person’s soul and heart is exciting. I’m not going to say we are looking forward to getting to know the new you. I’m going to say we are excited to see more of the authentic you. More of the Claire that God created from the start.
    Our door is open . . and oh, by the way . . . we have a hot tub.

  3. This is literally so good, and so encouraging. “You can’t leave the presence of God unchanged” — this is such an incredible thing to know and learn!

  4. now i’m crying! thank you so much for being obedient to the Father, it has made all the difference, and not just in my life but also in the lives of all the people that come and go from your house; you guys have been such a blessing, i can’t wait to see you again!